Data Cabling In London










An efficient installer of telecommunications wiring


Our comprehensive range of services covers the entire spectrum of network cabling needs. From surveying, where we assess building feasibility and project costs, to auditing existing networks with rigorous testing and fault identification, we ensure optimal performance. Our expertise extends to fibre optic data cabling in London with full testing, and professional service throughout. Offering access to physical infrastructure and facilitating emergency call-outs for repair, maintenance, or replacement, we prioritise uninterrupted network functionality.

Specialising in data centre and call centre environments, our surveys and audits maximise performance. With circuit patching, we provide flexible device and network component connections without major rewiring. Additionally, our skilled team excels in non-intrusive data cabling installations, both internally and externally, using high-quality fibre-optic cables.

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The process of fibre optic network construction

Building a fibre optic network requires careful planning and technical expertise. Any snags in the installation process can result in sub-optimal data transfer speeds and intermittent signals. However, the benefits of a well-executed network installation are manifold. Our network cabling in London enables video streaming for meetings with clients and other departments, faster access to customer data, and smoother usage of data clouds.

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We perform a full site survey to assess the site of the network installation, evaluating the physical challenges and designing a network that meets the requirements of your business needs. We will also take into account ease of maintenance, and practical considerations, so that the network is as cost-effective as possible for your commercial ventures.

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We use quality cables, connectors, splicing equipment, and other components to make sure the network will perform to the highest level. When installing data cabling in London, we also utilise high quality testing equipment to assess the quality of the cables themselves, and the components, to minimise return loss. Careful handling is essential at all times of the network installation to prevent loss in performance.

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In external environments, a trench is usually dug to house the cabling, so it can be kept safe from exterior disturbance. The cable is then pulled into place through the trench using specialised techniques and equipment to avoid pinching or damage that could affect performance. We usually lubricate the cable itself to reduce risk in this process. We will also splice the cables to connect them to any networks both internal and external that you require.


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We will test the network fully to ensure its proper installation and performance, and help identify any issues that could compromise functionality before it is put into operation. We carry out insertion loss testing and reflectance loss testing to measure the amount of loss as light travels through a fibre optic link. We can also measure the loss and reflectance at various points on a fibre optic network to identify any faults or issues.

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With our services for data cabling in London, we provide a comprehensive repair and maintenance program. All installations will require regular maintenance at some point. We can schedule cleaning, inspection, and regular testing to make sure your network cabling installation is still performance as it should. This will minimise downtime and ensure exceptional performance for the lifetime of the network.